Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Keep on keeping on

Alright people- I think its that time. While I'm still in the honeymoon stages with this blog, I think I should show some of my work especially since I described myself in my blog description as 'a youngling multimedia artist'. My main focus as an artist is motion graphics, video editing (LOVE), some animation, and photo manipulation. I absolutely love what I do, and I am trembling with nervous excitement for what life after college has in store for me. I have a general idea in what direction I will be going, but life has a funny way of shaking things up a bit. I've become very accustomed to knowing that I know nothing about the future. There's a certain wild freedom in the not knowing. One of my favorite quotes is "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." So while I get friendly with my daily companion Uncertainty, I will keep on keeping on with what I love to do.
With that being said here is an animation I did in Flash last year. There are some minor fixes I need to do with it. As an artist that is continually growing, I've come to realize that your work is never really finished. As I grow and learn more and look back on past work I see how I can do things a little better, a little sharper. 
Anywho, I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy doing it!

(a little side note to all you procrastinators especially since I lead the club: The bird video was done as my final for a Flash class. This was not the original idea my partner and I had in mind- like at all. We had a completely different idea [which I will show you the "promo" for in a sec] that ended up being way too over our struggling Flash heads. The night before the project was due, we scrapped our original idea and worked rapidly on what you just saw- A Lesson In Flying. We definitely got zero amount of sleep, but we did learn a lesson- DONT PROCRASTINATE! [A lesson I am still learning.] If you skip that lesson than here's the next one- IT CAN BE DONE! MAKE IT HAPPEN. I know because I am no Flash expert and I'm not just being modest. Flash and I are not friends. Period. So for all you procrastinators like me out there, where there is a will there is a way.
This turned out to be a big side note. With no further ado here is our first project idea:)

Ever since I was a child, I've been an avid reader. I loved to read and as I read I could almost see the action jump right off the pages of the book! That is exactly what inspired my next piece.

That is it for now folks! I'm sure I will have more up here later. Thank you for reading.

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