Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh nothing... just making an OSCAR WORTHY FILM thats all!

At least that's what we like to tell ourselves when we [and our equipment] are all sopping wet, cold, and tired (yes, the equipment was exhausted as well) after feverish hours of filming at all times of the day. Even if the film doesn't win any awards or *tear* an Oscar, the filming process was fun. I mean c'mon! besides the no sleep thing (who needs it?!..... I'm lying- I most definitely need at the least 8 hours of sleep or I'm a grouchy wreck) and braving the bipolar Ohio weather, everything else really out weighed the bad. Good things: getting to know the cast was fun especially since everyone was so patient and willing to help out through this learning experience (we really bonded), watching most everything just fall into place as the filming schedule went on, definitely all the bloopers (a blooper reel is going to be a blast to edit), playing the role of self-proclaimed unofficial producer. The list could go on really. I think I should insert here credit where credit is due because I don't want to make this all about me: Emma, the hotshot Hollywood director of this future award winning film, was no slouch either. Actually anything but a slouch. She wrote, cast, sequenced, story-boarded, directed and ran the whole show. Definitely no slouch. Props to the brain behind it all.

As a future big wig producer, here is where I'd like to give a little shout out to some of our stars- just as Casablance took the world by storm over the ages with the deliciously quotable "Here's looking at you, kid", I'm trying to do likewise with a slightly modern twist with a just as eloquent written piece from our film and acted out brilliantly by none other than THE Gerard McNicholas with- "Oh shit, kid! Thanks." And last but not least, our landlord who knocked his scene out of the ballpark with the famous- "3 month! Late! Rent!... Kids!..... To feed!.... I got!"
On behalf of Emma (and I), a million thanks to all who made the film possible. Here's looking at you, cast and crew. Or should I say, Oh shit, guys! Thanks for sticking it out with us.
NOW on to editing.


Keep on keeping on

Alright people- I think its that time. While I'm still in the honeymoon stages with this blog, I think I should show some of my work especially since I described myself in my blog description as 'a youngling multimedia artist'. My main focus as an artist is motion graphics, video editing (LOVE), some animation, and photo manipulation. I absolutely love what I do, and I am trembling with nervous excitement for what life after college has in store for me. I have a general idea in what direction I will be going, but life has a funny way of shaking things up a bit. I've become very accustomed to knowing that I know nothing about the future. There's a certain wild freedom in the not knowing. One of my favorite quotes is "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." So while I get friendly with my daily companion Uncertainty, I will keep on keeping on with what I love to do.
With that being said here is an animation I did in Flash last year. There are some minor fixes I need to do with it. As an artist that is continually growing, I've come to realize that your work is never really finished. As I grow and learn more and look back on past work I see how I can do things a little better, a little sharper. 
Anywho, I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy doing it!

(a little side note to all you procrastinators especially since I lead the club: The bird video was done as my final for a Flash class. This was not the original idea my partner and I had in mind- like at all. We had a completely different idea [which I will show you the "promo" for in a sec] that ended up being way too over our struggling Flash heads. The night before the project was due, we scrapped our original idea and worked rapidly on what you just saw- A Lesson In Flying. We definitely got zero amount of sleep, but we did learn a lesson- DONT PROCRASTINATE! [A lesson I am still learning.] If you skip that lesson than here's the next one- IT CAN BE DONE! MAKE IT HAPPEN. I know because I am no Flash expert and I'm not just being modest. Flash and I are not friends. Period. So for all you procrastinators like me out there, where there is a will there is a way.
This turned out to be a big side note. With no further ado here is our first project idea:)

Ever since I was a child, I've been an avid reader. I loved to read and as I read I could almost see the action jump right off the pages of the book! That is exactly what inspired my next piece.

That is it for now folks! I'm sure I will have more up here later. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"

Ummm no. That is the exact opposite of what I want right now- no milk and absolutely NO shake especially while I am on the heels of graduation. My plan for looking good for graduation so far has consisted of late night runs to Taco Bell and since my major requires me to be attached at the hip to my computer, I sit at a computer ALL day long. While I sit at my computer staying unfit (actually doing quite the opposite of what fit people do), I can see all the time from my house other persevering people run around Franciscan's treacherous campus in whatever weather Ohio throws our way. It makes me disconcerted. The weather- yes, but more so the problem here: Me- sitting at a computer shaping my buns into a horizontal plane. NOT GOOD.
When I see these other dedicated people running around all willy-nilly, in my mind I'm trying to assuage my guilt for not working out and I just want to run out there and be like 'Heeeeeey, relax there, buddy! I see you out here every day working so hard it makes ME tired. Why don't you take a break.... Hmmm? Maaaybeee maybe get some Taco Bell with me??'

Since THATS not going to happen, I decided- 'Somethings got to change!' So along with saying goodbye to Taco Bell (not forever, of course, but just in the rather best friendly nature of our relationship if you know what I mean), I decided I needed to make working out a regular part of my weekly schedule. So today I worked out- Rocky Balboa style. I got my hoodie and sweatpants on, my iPod set to rock on and I hit the gym. While some people might venture to tell me that Rocky did not have an iPod, I would tell them that he did have a rather awesome training soundtrack. Anyways, let me tell you I've never sweat so much in my life. The hoodie sweatpant combo definitely set my sweat meter to 'out of control'. On the flip side, I feel awesome. Also another awesome thing is my workout playlist. I've begun to realize that having a good workout playlist is ESSENTIAL to working out. Now I know my musical tastes have been thrown into questionable light in the past, but I happen to think my playlist is pretty cool.

Here's the breakdown:
Love the Way You Lie- Eminem ft. Rihanna
Won't Back Down- Eminem ft. Pink
I'm Not Afraid- Eminem
Give Me Freedom- K'naan
United State of Pop 2010- DJ Earworm (don't laugh)
Firework- Katy Perry (again, don't laugh!)
I Gotta Feeling- Black Eyed Peas
Stronger- Kanye West
Pump it- Black Eyed Peas
Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes
The Greatest Man That Ever Lived- Weezer
Little Lion Man- Mumford & Sons
Dog Day's Are Over- Florence + the Machine
Cosmic Love- Florence + the Machine

Sometimes I switch it up with a little 'bad romance' (Lady Gaga) or some Kid Cudi, but yeah- thats my playlist. If you feel the need to educate my poor musical tastes or just to share some songs of your own that make your heart pump, let me know, yo!

*sigh* Yes, I am that bored that I now have a blog..

I take that back- I'm not exactly bored. More like 'I-stayed-at-school-for-spring-break-because-I-was-lame-and-didn't-work-on-my-thesis-so-now-I-have-WAY-too-much-time-on-my-hands' kind of thing. Plus after being able to see/ catch up on family life through all my sisters' blogs it made me want to start one of my own.
So here I am- new and fresh to this (if you can't tell by my blog design).
My goal is to hopefully keep this up even after spring break is over. We'll see how that goes...